
2nd Annual 12 Days of Christmas WOD

Make it special day and bring your Ugliest Christmas Sweater for the WOD, if not come in the holiday spirit and wear your Holiday Edition CFP t-shirt.

Only two classes will be offered 9 and 10am.

12 days of Christmas

for time:

-1 Backsquat 95/65

-2 Snatches 95/65

-3 Pull-ups

-4 Lunges

-5 Deadlift 95/65

-6 Burpees

-7 KBS 53/35

-8 Clean & Jerk 95/65

-9 Hand release Push-ups

-10 Box Jumps 30″/24″

-11 Toes to Bar

-12 Air Squats

Like the song the “12 Days of Christmas”, complete each exercise in ascending order then work back down, adding one exercise per round.

Ex. On the 1st day of Christmas, my coaches gave to me, one backsquat; on the 2nd day of Christmas my coaches gave to me, 2 snatches and 1 backsquat; on the 3rd day of Christmas, my coaches gave to me, 3 pullups, 2 pistols, and 1 backsquat; continue with 4 lunges, 3, 2, 1 etc. up the ladder and down

CFP would like to wish every single one of our athletes and their loved ones a very Merry Christmas!!!!!


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