Friday 12/22/2017

4th Annual 12 Days of Christmas WOD

Make it a special occasion and wear your Ugly Christmas Sweater for the WOD. 

If not, come in any festive holiday attire.

🎄12 Days of Christmas🎄

For Time:

1 Back Squat  95/65

2 Snatches  95/65

3 Pullups

4 Lunges

5 Deadlifts  95/65

6 Burpees

7 KBS  53/35

8 Clean & Jerks  95/65

9 Hand Release Push Ups

10 Box Jumps  30/24

11 Toes to Bar

12 Air Squats

Just like the song “12 days of Christmas,” complete each exercise in ascending order then work back down, adding one exercise per round.

Example:  🎼On the 1st day of Christmas, my coaches gave to me, 1 Back Squat.🎼

🎼On the 2nd day of Christmas, my coaches gave to me, 2 Snatches and 1 Back Squat.🎼

🎼On the 3rd day of Christmas, my coaches gave to me, 3 Pullups, 2  Snatches, and 1 Back Squat.🎼

CFP would like to wish each and every one of our athletes and their loved ones a Very Merry Christmas!!!

******* REMINDER:  Gym will be CLOSED on Monday, 12/25/2017 *******


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