Thursday 7/06/2017

Skill Work

15-20 minutes  at your own pace good solid reps confidence under the bar.

Snatch Balance

1x with jerk to get the bar moving upward

1x with no legs straight drop into the OHS position

We will focus on form & speed  rather than weight.  Let work on a strong overhead position and foot position at the start and end of every rep.


5 Rounds for time

“X” Thrusters
200m Run

Change Weights at the end of each Round

RD 1: 15 Reps 95/65
RD 2: 12 Reps 115/85
RD 3: 9 Reps 135/95
RD 4: 6 Reps 155/115
RD 5: 3 Reps 185/125

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