Friday 3/31/2017
CrossFit Pistoleros will like to thank Coach Christian “I’m a Grown Man” Gonzalez for his effort and dedication throughout the last 2 years coaching at the box. CFP would like […]
CrossFit Pistoleros will like to thank Coach Christian “I’m a Grown Man” Gonzalez for his effort and dedication throughout the last 2 years coaching at the box. CFP would like […]
Strength Deadlift 5×5 WOD 21 Clean and Jerk (135/95) 400 meter Run 15 Clean and Jerk 1 Tower Run 9 Clean and Jerk 400 meter Run 6 Clean and Jerk […]
Strength Shoulder Press 5×5 @ 60% 65% 70% 75% 80% WOD 3 Rounds 21 Calorie Row 15 Pull Ups 9 Burpees
Strength: Bench Press WOD: 25-20-15-10-5 of: Hang Power Snatches (75/55) 50-40-30-20-10: Sit-ups 100-80-60-40-20: Double-unders
Strength Back Squat 5×3 @70%/80%/90% WOD 13 min AMRAP 15 Deadlifts 135/95 12 Hang Power Cleans 135/95 9 Front Squats 135/95 6 Push Jerks 135/95 3 Thrusters 135/95
Men’s Rx 10 rounds for time of: 9 thrusters, 95 lb. 35 double-unders Women’s Rx 10 rounds for time of: 9 thrusters, 65 lb. 35 double-unders Men’s Scaled 10 rounds […]
WOD: 5RFT 9 CJ (135/95) 15 T2B 21 Calorie Row Rest 1:00 between rounds Extra Credit: Get Ready For 17.5
WOD 5 Rounds For Time: 10 C2B 10 Ring Dips 10 Power Cleans (115/85) 400m Run Mandatory Extra Credit: Core/Ab Work
Strength Shoulder Press 3×5 @65%/75%/85% WOD 3RFT: 3 Rope Climbs 6 Push Jerks (185/115) 12 Deadlifts (185/115) 24 GHD Sit-ups 48 Wallballs (20/14#)
Strenght: Back Squat 3×5 @70,75,80% WOD For Time 300 meter row 10 Power Snatches (115/80) 300 meter row 10 Thrusters (115/80) 300 meter row 10 Power Snatches *2 min rest* […]