Wednesday 6/1/2016
Strength: Deadlift WOD: For Time/EMOM 55 Push-ups w/25 lb. Plate 45 Box jumps 24/20 35 KB Swings 70/53 25 T2B 15 Burpees Over Bar (EMOM:3 Deadlifts 225/135)
Strength: Deadlift WOD: For Time/EMOM 55 Push-ups w/25 lb. Plate 45 Box jumps 24/20 35 KB Swings 70/53 25 T2B 15 Burpees Over Bar (EMOM:3 Deadlifts 225/135)
Strength: Wendler Squat WOD: 20 Min AMRAP 20 Calorie Row 10 Ring Dips 40 Double Unders 20 Sit-ups 10 Thrusters 95/75
If possible arrive to class 10 minutes early to stretch and start the WOD at the top of hour. HERO WOD: Murph “Bring your body armor and ca$h for T-Shirts” […]
Strength: Bench Press WOD: Cardio Thursdays For Time 2000M Row 7 Minute Rest 2000M Row (Attempt to maintain 2 seconds faster on average split compared to 1st Row) (Total 4000 […]
Strength: Deadlifts 3X5 70%,80%,90% of 1 RM WOD: 4 Rounds For Time 60 Double Unders Farmer Carry (End of Conex) 53/35 15 WB Sit-ups 5 DL 245/175
Strength: Establish a 1RM on the Push Press WOD: 12 Minute AMRAP 5 Push Press 155/115 10 Box Jumps 30″ Box 5 Toes 2 Bar 10 Burpees Reminder: Starting on […]
Strength 3×3 Front Squats Aim for 65% of Back Squat for final set. Skill 8 EMOM Clean Complex Clean Pull/Hang Power Clean/Squat Clean On even minutes add weight. WOD -10 […]
Hero WOD: Josh
Strength: Deadlift WOD: For Time 21 Deadlifts 185/135 28 Cal Row 84 Double Unders 15 Deadlifts 20 Cal Row 60 Double Unders 9 Deadlifts 12 Cal Row 36 Double Unders Mandatory […]
Strength: Bench Press WOD: 5 Rounds For Time 8 Toes 2 Bar 10 Hang Power Snatches 75/55 400 Meter Run